Therapy Compliments 12-Step WorkI work with many people who are part of 12-Step programs. Therapy and 12-Step work compliment one another very well. 12-Step work focuses...
ShouldRemember to be kind and gentle with yourself. You are doing the very best that you can! One way to start practicing self kindness is to...
Visit Nature and Lower StressLooking to lower stress or an instant pick-me-up? Go visit springtime in all it's glory! Stop and notice the colors, the fragrances, the...
Chanting to Lower StressThis beautiful tree and shadow reminds me that we are all connected, just as the branches and shadows blend together, we are all one. If...
JournalingWhether you are new to journaling or an old pro, writing about and exploring your feelings through the written word is a wonderful way to...
Lowering Anxiety with Deep BreathingOne of the most simple ways of lowering anxious feelings is the practice of deep breathing. It is completely portable and can be done...
Safely Releasing AngerNeed to release your angry feelings? Try this safe and easy exercise! Take a bag or tray of ice cubes into the bathroom and throw them,...